发布时间:2019-10-15 11:50:42

澳大利亚婴儿品牌Marquise在墨尔本的Malvern中央购物中心开了一家新的旗舰店,由Doherty Design Studio设计。平静而沉浸的空间既具有游戏和怀旧的元素,也具有一定的成熟度,吸引了成年购买者。

Australian baby brand Marquise has a new flagship store in Melbourne’s Malvern Central shopping centre, designed by Doherty Design Studio. Conceived as an inner sanctum with elements of play and nostalgia, the calm and immersive space has a level of sophistication that appeals to adult buyers.


Champagne-hued powder coated fittings, rotating fixtures and custom cabinetry showcase miniature outfits, socks and shoes, with their scale ensuring that even the tiniest wares don’t get lost amongst the display. The narrow 55sqm space features a series of ‘material junctions’ within a palette of neutral and peach tones, designed to complement rather than distract from seasonal pieces. Porcelain pink textured plaster walls accentuate soft curves in the walls and joinery, blush ceramic tiles move in a circular pattern that continues from walls to floor, and custom curved railings create logical shopping routes around the interior.

彩色丙烯天花板的设计灵感来自20世纪60年代的一个玩具。Doherty的设计总监Mardi Doherty说:“亚克力将光线反射得非常漂亮,我喜欢添加一层怀旧的元素,这对于一个拥有近90年历史的品牌来说是非常合适的。”

A coloured acrylic ceiling feature is inspired by a 1960s toy. “The acrylic reflects the light so beautifully and I love to add that layer of nostalgia that is very appropriate for a brand that is nearly 90 years old,” says Doherty Design Director, Mardi Doherty.



“The gifting station was a big priority and is central to the store experience,” says Doherty. “We have brought the idea of celebration, the rituals of new babies to the store.”